Sphinx and Readthedocs Tutorial

On this page, you will find the steps for how to edit a Readthedocs site that uses Sphinx. The setup process of this site is already complete so this page with focus on adding content to the site. If you would like to make a new a site from scratch, please see the video below:

Setting up the Github Repository

The first thing you will need in order to contribute to the repo is access to the repo itself. To do this, someone with the MUNsdh account credentials will have to navigate to https://github.com/MUNsdh/readthedocs/settings/access and add your Github account to the list of collaborators.

Next, you will need to download Git from https://git-scm.com/downloads.

Once Git is downloaded, you will need a promt that is running Python. An example would be Anaconda which can be downloaded from here: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

You can open the prompt by searching Anaconda on your device and opening the following program:


Next, navigate to the drive that the promt opens in. It is usally the C drive. In the drive make a folder and name it whatever you like, in our example, it will be named “Github”. This is where the files for the website will be stored.

When you first open up the promt, you will be in your users directory folder, so in order to get to the folder you just created, type in the follow commands in the order listed:

1. cd/
2. cd Github

Replace Github with whatever you named your folder

Now type in “git clone https://github.com/MUNsdh/readthedocs”. This will copy the files from the repo onto your device in the folder you just made.

Creating a Document

You can now begin creating a document that will be added to the site. The documents for this site use Restructured Text (rst) files. To see examples of how these files are written, simply navigate to the folder where you cloned the repo and go to readthedocs > docs > source. Now, open any of the .rst with your text editor of choice (Ex. Notepad, Notepad++, Vim, etc.)

To being creating a doucment of your own, make sure your prompt is open and make sure you are in the “source” directory. Type the following commands in the order listed:

1. cd/
2. cd Github/readthedocs/docs/source

Replace Github with whatever you named your folder

You now need to make a RST file. Type the follow command: “echo > “name of your document”.rst”

This will make a blank RST file in the source folder that you can now edit with a text editor.

To make the RST file appear on your page, you will need to give it a title in the document itself using the following format:


It is the title of your page underlined lined by equal signs (=).

To create sub headings, do the same thing but instead unline the text with dashes (-).

For more examples, simply open one of the documents that is already completed in the source folder.

Now add you need to add the TITLE OF THE FILE to the toctree. To do this, open the file “index” in the source folder and add the name of the file to the list in the same format as the names already listed. It is important to note that the indent before the names is THREE spaces.


Make sure to save this file after you add in the title.

Adding content to the page is as simple as just typing. The syntax for formatting the text (adding bullet points, bold, hyperlinks, etc.) can be seen in one of the already completed RST files or by going to this link.

Adding Photos

Make sure that the you put the image you want in your document in the “images” folder which can be found in readthedocs > docs > _static > images

To add photos to the document use the following text in your document:

.. figure:: ../_static/images/nameofyourimage.PNG
    :figwidth: 500px

Ensure that you have the correct name of the image along with the correct file type. If you are unsure of the file type, simply left click on the image and click properties.

Once again, if you need help with this simply view one of the already made RST files in the source folder

Testing the site

To test the site before commiting it to Github, you must navigate to the docs directory by typing the following commands in the prompt:

1. cd/
2. cd Github/readthedocs/docs

replace Github with the name of your folder

From here type the following command in the prompt:

make html

This will make an html file located in build > html. To open this file, simply navigate to the folder and open it with a browser, or do the following commands while in the docs directory on the prompt

cd build/html

This will open the site in your default browser.

Pushing to Github

Once the you are ready to publish your changes to the website, you must navigate to the readthedocs directory in the prompt by typing the commands:

1. cd/
2. cd Github/readthedocs

Once again you may have to repalce “Github” with whatever you named your folder

Now, you may need to type git pull to ensure that your repo is up to date. At this step, it may ask you to log in so, ensure you do so with the account that was added as a contrinutor to the repo.

Finally, to commit your work to the site, simply type following commands in the order below:

1. git add docs
2. git commit -m "you message here"
3. git push

Your first time pushing, you will most likely have to log in so, ensure it is with the account that is listed as a contributor.

Once you push your work with no errors appearing, you are done! This Github repo is already automatically connected the readthedocs site, so your changes should appear within a few minutes!

If you are having any problems with syntax, it is recommended to simply view the other RST files in the repo as they all contain examples of different text formatting and other feautes in reStructured Text. You can also check out these two ressources for more info on Readthedocs and Sphinx: